On December 6, 2023, the Board of Education adopted a resolution to combat the marginalization of those with disabilities in our school community by establishing January as Disability Awareness and History Month in BUSD. This month is an opportunity to recognize and honor the contributions of those with disabilities who have enriched and inspired our nation and generate learning around the experiences of those with disabilities.
Dear Berkeley Unified Community,
On December 6, 2023, our Board of Education voted unanimously to approve January holds particular significance in Berkeley as it is the birth month of Ed Roberts, who began the disability rights movement at UC Berkeley leading to curb cuts nationwide and the development of centers for independent living.
I am proud of the work done by School Board President Ana Vasudeo and the many staff, students, and community members involved in the development of this resolution. It reflects the district’s commitment to our mission to enable and inspire our diverse student body to achieve academic excellence and make positive contributions to our world and to ensure Excellence, Equity, Engagement, and Enrichment for all students we serve.
The district recognizes that students with disabilities have a right to and have the ability to learn alongside their non-disabled peers and must be provided equitable and meaningful opportunities to learn and grow. We achieve engaging and excellent education when all of our students learn from and with each other.
Disability Awareness and History Month in is an opportunity to educate our community about the many historical contributions of those with disabilities, and to center the experiences and needs of our students and staff with disabilities. By engaging in critical conversations about disability and providing educator and family resources, we will encourage a culture of inclusion and belonging not only in January but year-round.
Join in celebrating, uplifting, and honoring the diverse histories, experiences, and voices of our disabled students, staff, and community members throughout the month. Together we can disrupt the marginalization of those with disabilities and create a more equitable and inclusive school district, community, and society that will allow all students to thrive.
In community,
Enikia Ford Morthel
the Flag
The Disability Pride Flag underwent a makeover for accessibility purposes in 2021. The parallel stripes stand for intracommunal solidarity. The colors on the flag symbolize various disability experiences. The black background mourns disabled people who have passed away. The stripe’s color represents disability types:
- Red: physical disabilities
- Gold: cognitive and intellectual disabilities
- White: nonvisible and undiagnosed disabilities
- Blue: psychiatric disabilities
- Green: sensory disabilities
Read more about the flag .
Reading Lists By Grade Level
These organized by grade level, were curated by our library staff from the Schneider Book Awards, an award presented yearly by the American Library Association that honors artistic expression for the disability experience. Every school library will receive copies of some of the newest books on the lists in both English and Spanish.
Family Guides
Enjoy BUSD’s Family Guides for celebrating Disability Awareness and History Month in January.
Teaching Guide
BUSD’s Teaching Guide supports educators in celebrating Disability Awareness and History Month in our classrooms and schools.
Disability Equity and Special Education Advisory Committee (DESEAC)
Formed in the fall of 2024, the Superintendent’s Disability Equity and Special Education Advisory Committee (DESEAC) plays a key role in supporting the District to achieve its mission by providing an open forum to discuss issues related to students with disabilities. The committee receives updates on special education programs and initiatives, reviews anonymous special education data, and makes recommendations on areas of growth for students with Individual Education Plans.
Find out more HERE.
Lifting Up Staff Voices for Disability Awareness and History Month
In celebration of our community, has introduced “Lifting Up Staff Voices Living with Disabilities,” a campaign to share our staff narratives living with disabilities with our students and community by creating posters featuring their stories and experiences. These posters will be displayed at schools, work sites, on the website, and in district publications. Sharing these narratives with our students will allow them to deepen connections with Black staff across the district.
Please click on each name to see a full-sized poster.
Additional Resources
- Inclusion Collaborative
Community members joined staff, students, and families at these events in celebration of Disability Awareness and History Month in BUSD.
January 25, 2024: Virtual Community Conversation on Disability Awareness and Neurodivergence
In this video, linked above, staff members share about neurodivergence and how it is addressed in teaching. Guest speakers who identify as neurodivergent share their own learning experiences. View the deck in and in .