In addition to the regular School Board meetings twice a month, Board members serve as liaisons to and members of a number of committees that meet at various times throughout the year. Board assignments to these committees for the 2024-25 school year are .
Board members also make appointments to two joint commissions with the City of Berkeley, the and the . If you are interested in serving on one of these commissions, fill out an, and send it to the Board members for consideration at
Below is a list of the committees that Board members serve on or serve as liaison to, as well as additional information about meeting times and agendas where available.
2×2 Committee
This committee consists of two members of the City Council and two members of the Board of Education, and works collaboratively on issues of mutual concern.
Superintendent’s African American Success Advisory Committee (AASAC)
This committee reviews, monitors, and evaluates the district’s implementation of the African American Success Framework (AASF) and advises regarding accountability.
Alameda County School Boards Association
This association is comprised of representatives from all Alameda County school boards.
Audit Committee
This committee reviews financial audits of the District.
Construction Bond Oversight Committee
This committee monitors and reports on the expenditures of construction bond proceeds, and informs the public on those expenditures and bond proceeds.
Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Education Partners
The CCEIS Education Partners meets quarterly to discuss and collaborate on CCEIS activities, plans, and the needs of our CCEIS Vision Scholars.
District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
This committee provides advice and guidance regarding the District’s efforts to better serve English Learners.
Disability Equity and Special Education Advisory Committee (DESEAC)
The committee provides an open forum to discuss issues related to students with disabilities, receives updates on ºÚÁÏÍøspecial education programs and initiatives, reviews anonymous special education data, and makes recommendations on areas of growth for students with Individual Education Plans.
Districtwide Safety Committee (DSC)
Support communication and awareness of work/needs around safety in BUSD. The committee will make and monitor progress on safety recommendations to the Superintendent.
English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Each School Site creates an ELAC to advise the district’s local governing board on programs and services for English learners.
Facilities Subcommittee of the Board of Education
This subcommittee serves a key forum for discussion and recommendations to the Board regarding facilities planning and future construction projects.
Facilities Safety and Maintenance Oversight Committee
This committee provides enhanced accountability to the community by ensuring that funds for maintenance of District facilities are spent in accordance with special taxes for maintenance.
Gender Equity and Sexual Harassment Advisory Committee (GESHAC)
GESHAC makes annual recommendations to the Superintendent on areas of growth in the district’s ongoing efforts to create an equitable learning environment for all students.
LCAP Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
This committee provides a forum for parent representatives from each school to be heard regarding the three-year spending plan required of all school districts in California.
Planning and Oversight (P&O) Committee
This committee provides citizen oversight of two voter-approved tax measures, the Berkeley Schools Excellence Program (BSEP) and the Berkeley Educator Recruitment and Retention Act (BERRA), by ensuring that the funds are spent according to the terms of the measures.
Policy Subcommittee
This subcommittee reviews and develops District policies prior to consideration by the full Board.
The Berkeley PTA Council is the umbrella organization for the PTAs active in the Berkeley Unified School District.
School Site Councils (SSC)
Each school site determines the expenditure of the BSEP funds as allocated to each school site and provides School Plans for Student Achievement (SPSAs).
Student Attendance Review Board (SARB)
The purpose of the SARB is to work collaboratively with students and their families, to explore and utilize suggested interventions that will be successful for students with chronic absences and tardies.
Superintendent’s Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC)
Works with the Superintendent, community, and labor partners to identify budget priorities (regarding spending and cuts) and make recommendations for resource allocation.