Every minute of a child’s time at school is important. Children who are absent for even one day, or who arrive later than their classmates, miss valuable instruction time and can easily fall behind in school. They also miss important socialization time and fun with their peers.
California’s Compulsory Education Laws
California’s compulsory education laws require children between six and eighteen years of age to attend school, with a limited number of specified exceptions. Under state law, a pupil who, without a valid excuse, is absent from school for three full days in one school year, or is tardy or absent, without a valid excuse, for more than 30 minutes during the school day on three occasions in one school year, is considered truant. Once a student is designated a truant, state law requires schools, districts, counties, and courts to intervene to ensure that parents and pupils receive certain services to assist them in complying with attendance laws. When these various interventions fail—meaning parents or guardians still do not send a child to school or a student misses an unlawful amount of school—the matter can be referred to court. Court can then use penalties or other measures to seek compliance. Essentially, these various interventions exist to ensure that pupils remain in school and that a pattern is not established that could lead to their dropping out of school later in their educational career. To read more about our policy on truancy, visit the Student Services Department webpage.
Reporting Absences
Please call the school attendance line at your child’s school by 9 a.m. every day that your child will not be in school. When your child is absent from school, please phone or email the school office as soon as possible. Some school sites have separate phone numbers/email to report absences.
When leaving a message regarding your child’s absence please provide the following information:
- Student’s name
- Date(s) absent
- Grade/ teacher
- Your name and your relation to child
- Daytime phone number
- Reason for absence
Absence Phone Numbers/Email
School Name | Contact | School Name | Contact |
Berkeley Arts Magnet (BAM) | 510-644-6225 bamattendance@berkeley.net |
Sylvia Mendez Elementary | 510-644-6290 |
Cragmont Elementary | 510-644-8810 sheylaflores@berkeley.net |
Thousand Oaks Elementary | 510-644-6368 toattendance@berkeley.net |
Emerson Elementary | 510-644-6890 leahlopez@berkeley.net |
Washington Elementary | 510-644-6310 |
John Muir Elementary | 510-644-6410 | Longfellow Middle | 510-644-6260 raiganreeves@berkeley.net |
Malcolm X Elementary | 510-644-6313 sandravalenzuela@berkeley.net |
King Middle | 510-644-6098 kingattendance@berkeley.net |
Oxford Elementary | 510-644-6300 oxfordattendance@berkeley.net |
Willard Middle | 510-644-6310 willardattendanceoffice@berkeley.net |
Rosa Parks Elementary | 510-644-8812 | Berkeley Technology Academy | 510-644-6033 btaattendance@berkeley.net |
Ruth Acty Elementary | 510-644-6298 | Berkeley High | A – GI: 510-644-6341 GO – N: 510-644-6194 O –Z: 510-644-6209 attendanceoffice@berkeley.net |
Students who arrive after the beginning of the school day are to check in with the office before reporting to their classroom. Students may not call to report their own absence. For specifics on high school attendance reporting procedures, please contact the number that corresponds to the first letter in the student’s last name.
While we discourage families from taking vacation or unexcused breaks from school, please contact your child’s school if you know that they are going to be absent for an extended period of time.
Dismissal Due to Illness
A child may be sent home early from school if they are ill, or appears to be suffering from an infectious or contagious disease. Parents/ guardians or emergency contacts listed will be contacted to pick up the child.
Should My Child Stay Home From School?
Parents frequently have questions about when it is appropriate to stay home from school because of illness. Here are some guidelines to help with your decision.
- If your child feels ill enough that they would not be able to benefit from school.
- If having your child at school would significantly put others at risk for contracting your child’s illness
- If your child has vomited within the past 24 hours
- If your child has/had a fever in the past 24 hours
COVID-19 Safety Information 2024-2025 School Year
To be admitted to school, children must be fully immunized in accordance with the law. Children shall be excluded from school or exempted from immunization requirements only as allowed by law. Parents are required to provide documentation that their child has been immunized against the following:
- Haemophilus Influenza (Hib) children under 5 years old
- Polio
- Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)
- Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (whooping cough)
- Hepatitis B
- Varicella (chickenpox) 1 dose or physician documented varicella disease meets requirement for kindergarten entry
- 7th – 12th Grade Students: all entering students must provide proof of a pertussis-containing vaccine (whooping cough) booster (e.g. Tdap) on or after their 7th birthday and a second measles (or MMR) shot. Two doses of Varicella (chickenpox) are recommended; for those vaccinated as a child with only one dose should get a second dose now.
Correlation between health and academics
For more information on the correlation between health and academics, visit with information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website.